
Occasional Inspirations

For 2014, I decided to follow some of the 365 writing prompts given by The Daily Post. Check it out. It was recommended by a turtle (Don't ask.)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

If I Had a Time Machine

As you all know (Or maybe not.), the second episode of the British sci-fi TV show, Doctor Who, is gonna be shown today. At United Kingdom. And the United States of America. And Australia. But NOT MALAYSIA. D: I kinda find it hard to believe. Anyhoos, I was wondering to myself, what would I do with a time machine? First thing on every Justin Bieber haters' mind would be:

Make sure Justin Bieber NEVER EXISTS.

That's pretty much on their minds, actually.
But not me. If I had a time machine, I would go into the past, and make myself known to people! I'd meet MJ, Princess Diana and lots of other people who are dead today! I'd create lots of mysterious events in the past, like that Roswell incident. I'd go on the Titanic before it sank. I'd find out why the Leaning Tower of Pisa leaned. Find out what's Stonehenge's true function is. Probably play a major part in WWII! XD

I would also go to the future, probably 'bout a few days after an exam. I'd take a look at the papers, and go back to the present and revise on the stuff! :D I'd go and look at tomorrow's lottery results too, but I don't play lottery. :) I'd go to December 2012, to see if the world really is ending. It probably won't, but it was worth a shot.

It'd be nice to go back to the years when me and my family were still living in the UK... Make things change, so we can still live there. But then again, I won't have the wonderful life I have now! :D I could make money from this by selling stuff from the future and past. There's so many things I wanna do with a time machine, if only they'd create it by now! D:

Well, most people would wanna change their future, right? But be careful, because you might end up as something worse. Lemme hear what you guys would wanna do if you had a time machine! :D

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