You should be, when you have to get to school at half past 7. D:
Well, it has been two weeks since school had started, and they (the school) have already started making us hate our lives by having a marathon, which is on the 22nd!!! D: D: D: It sucks.
Speaking of the marathon, I got betrayed by my friend during the practice, who asked me to wait for her. I waited, and walked slowly (With my friends. So kind of them! :D) just for her sake, even though I had tuition in 30 minutes. Halfway throughout the track, I finally found out she WASN'T EVEN HERE! SHE WAS AT THE TUITION CENTER ALREADY! That sucks, right? I bet some people has that kinda experience. :D
Well, I just couldn't get mad at her. The anger pretty much got lost during the weekend. She's so adorable when she asked for my forgiveness (She looks adorable ALL THE TIME! :D), I can't get mad at her! XD
Oh well, that's it from me. Gotta get some beauty sleep for tomorrow! :D
- ComiComi -
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